Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. Essential Cases provides you with succinct summaries of some of the landmark and most influential cases in equity and trusts. Each summary begins with a review of the main case facts and decision. The summary is then concluded with expert commentary on the case from the author, Derek Whayman, including his assessment of the wider questions raised by the decision.
Derek Whayman
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in McPhail v Doulton, Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No 1) [1971] AC 424, House of Lords. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
McPhail v Doulton, Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No 1) [1971] AC 424, House of Lords
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in McPhail v Doulton, Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No 1) [1971] AC 424, House of Lords. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Cowan v Scargill [1985] Ch 270, Chancery Division
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Cowan v Scargill [1985] Ch 270, Chancery Division. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Nestlé v National Westminster Bank Plc [1993] 1 WLR 1260, Court of Appeal
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Nestlé v National Westminster Bank Plc [1993] 1 WLR 1260, Court of Appeal. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Schmidt v Rosewood Trust [2003] UKPC 26, Privy Council
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Schmidt v Rosewood Trust [2003] UKPC 26, Privy Council. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Saunders v Vautier (1841) Cr & Ph 240, 41 ER 482, Court of Chancery
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Saunders v Vautier (1841) Cr & Ph 240, 41 ER 482, Court of Chancery. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
R (Independent Schools Council) v Charity Commission for England and Wales [2011] UKUT 421 (TCC), Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in R (Independent Schools Council) v Charity Commission for England and Wales [2011] UKUT 421 (TCC), Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber). The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Vandervell v Inland Revenue Commissioners [1967] 2 AC 291, House of Lords
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Vandervell v Inland Revenue Commissioners [1967] 2 AC 291, House of Lords. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Re Vandervell’s Trusts (No 2) [1974] Ch 269, Court of Appeal
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Re Vandervell’s Trusts (No 2) [1974] Ch 269, Court of Appeal. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington London Borough Council [1996] 2 AC 669, House of Lords
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington London Borough Council [1996] 2 AC 669, House of Lords. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments Ltd [1970] AC 567, House of Lords
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments Ltd [1970] AC 567, House of Lords. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Lloyds Bank Plc v Rosset [1991] 1 AC 107, House of Lords
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Lloyds Bank Plc v Rosset [1991] 1 AC 107, House of Lords. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No 2) [1973] Ch 9, Court of Appeal
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No 2) [1973] Ch 9, Court of Appeal. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Stack v Dowden [2007] UKHL 17, House of Lords
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Stack v Dowden [2007] UKHL 17, House of Lords. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Jones v Kernott [2011] UKSC 53, Supreme Court
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Jones v Kernott [2011] UKSC 53, Supreme Court. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Crossco (No 4) Unlimited v Jolan Ltd & Ors [2011] EWCA Civ 1619, Court of Appeal
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Crossco (No 4) Unlimited v Jolan Ltd & Ors [2011] EWCA Civ 1619, Court of Appeal. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Lysaght v Edwards (1876) 2 Ch D 499, Chancery Division
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Lysaght v Edwards (1876) 2 Ch D 499, Chancery Division. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Williams v Central Bank of Nigeria [2014] UKSC 10, Supreme Court
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Williams v Central Bank of Nigeria [2014] UKSC 10, Supreme Court. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.
Re Montagu’s Settlement Trusts [1987] Ch 264, Chancery Division
Essential Cases: Equity & Trusts provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. This case document summarizes the facts and decision in Re Montagu’s Settlement Trusts [1987] Ch 264, Chancery Division. The document also includes supporting commentary from author Derek Whayman.