of Jones v Kernott [2011] UKSC 53 is also essential. ■ Read the question carefully—you are only required to discuss joint names cases. Diagram answer plan Suggested answer
6. Family Property
13. Skills for Success in Coursework Assessments
the key rules and cases. Good textbooks will refer you to a variety of sources related to the topic, for example journal articles, Government reports, additional cases, etc. These materials
10. International Relocation and Child Abduction
utilized in international/external relocation cases. ■ The question does not require a discussion of internal relocation, but note that if a case reaches the courts, the approach is the
9. The Law Relating to Children: Children’s Rights and Private Law
responsibility for him do not consent either, it is essential to bring the matter before the court if treatment is to proceed. In both cases, the court can override a minor’s refusal to consent
8. Parenthood and Parental Responsibility
Question 3 Analyse how the law assigns legal parenthood in cases involving surrogacy. Caution! ■ It is essential that you understand the status of a surrogacy agreement.
4. Divorce, Dissolution, and (Judicial) Separation
Assessment Meetings. As Stevenson points out, it is essential that the system of screening is adequate in order to ensure that ‘unsuitable cases do not enter the mediation process’ (2014, p
3. Void, Voidable, and Non-Marriages
non-marriage in order to understand the case law that follows. 2 Illegitimacy is rarely relevant, but see Re Moynihan [2000] 1 FLR 113 for a case where it was significant and chapter
2. The Formation and Recognition of Adult Relationships: Marriage, Civil Partnerships, and Cohabitation
contained in s. 44 of the Marriage Act 1949. In all cases, the ceremony must be conducted before two or more witnesses and in most cases, in a building that is open to the public. The marriage