system, with appeal courts considered an essential feature of a fair system, and it is also much easier to build public interest and support in a case through digital media, as we explore
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23. Criminal justice principles
24. Criminal justice institutions
police on cases for possible prosecution; • taking cases from the police once a defendant has been charged or ‘summonsed’ (ordered to attend court); • presenting cases at court
10. Presentations
points to link the essential points together or to elaborate on them? If you have too much material, repeat the exercise again, but this time divide only your essential points into the
12. Green criminology
Angus Nurse
it difficult to pursue cases; • many villagers that are affected by oil pollution do not have the resources to bring legal cases. As a result, some cases are brought against the
2. Books, journals, and articles
range of source material than would be the case if you restricted your reading to books from your reading list, but it is often the case that markers will give credit for independent
32. Conducting criminological research
but there may also be a lecture on what is expected of you. Make yourself aware of the essential components that are required for your specific dissertation or research project and refer
11. Revision and examinations
usually the case that any books that are permitted must not be annotated in any way. ● A selection of relevant articles and other materials such as statutes or cases. These will
25. Criminal justice policies and practices
can vary infinitely, so s. 78 applications tend to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis—for example, cases where trickery produced a confession will generally be inadmissible.
8. Referencing and avoiding plagiarism
invariably treated very seriously by institutions, and any suspected cases are investigated thoroughly. If a case of suspected plagiarism is upheld, then it is likely that some adverse
3. What is ‘justice’?
It is essential that participants have access to all important documents and sharing written documents may be problematic in a number of cases, particularly criminal cases, where some
2. What is ‘crime’?
fibre’ of our society. For Devlin, the moral fibre of a society (its essential ideas about morality) was essential to its existence, so failing to protect society against seriously immoral
20. Right and left realism
offers an ‘essential’ range of groceries that includes Essential Raw Prawns, Essential Coconut Milk, and Essential Gnocchi; the budget supermarket Aldi also runs an ‘essential’ range which
9. Essay writing
Statistics and official publications 3. Case law The appellate decisions of the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court in criminal cases can be useful source material in criminology
16. Dissertations and research reports
considering cases such as Dunblane, the Chicago Tylenol poisonings, and the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Irrespective of the method of organization used, it is always essential that you
4. How criminology produces knowledge
through my choice of research focus, methods, conclusions, and target audiences (see Case, 2007; Case and Haines, 2009 ). These biases shaped me into a critical youth criminologist and
6. Study skills
got a question but I don’t want to ask it in case I look stupid. A common concern but one that is usually unfounded. It is often the case that other students will be stuck on the same
30. Alternatives to punishment
contrasting outcomes, depending on the wishes and decisions of the key players in each case. In the case of diversion, as with restorative justice, the ideas which informed its recent d
9. Youth offending and youth justice
separate out hereditary and environmental influences, particularly in cases where twins share the same environment ( Case, 2018 ), but nonetheless, one twin study has come up with a very
7. Victimology
Angus Nurse
die? Investigations into these cases can last years, as is the case with Sean Rigg, who died in a police station in Brixton, South London in 2008. The case was subject to two investigations
13. Global criminology 1
Comparative criminology
Sacha Darke
st deviant case study analysis, they will usually rely on qualitative research methodologies. Pakes ( 2019 ) includes deviant cases as the last of four types of case study analysis