vital distinction and requires reference to key cases. Problem questions are often used and may follow a similar form to the facts in case law—adverts in shop windows or newspapers/items
2. Contract I: essential features of a contract
5. Contract IV: discharge of contract and remedies for breach
as these are equitable, they must be sought within a reasonable time. Key cases Case Facts Principle Hadley v Baxendale (1854) 156 ER 145 Hadley
3. Contract II: mistake, misrepresentation, duress, and undue influence
in the following cases: The subject matter of the agreement is no longer in existence when the contract is established Couturier v Hastie [1856] 5 HL Cases 673 The contract
4. Contract III: contractual terms and statutory protection
contracts are common examination questions. Knowledge and application of case law and statute is essential in this area. Express terms Express terms are, naturally, those that
8. Employment II: termination—wrongful dismissal, unfair dismissal, and redundancy
permitted (see MacMulloch v Imperial Chemical Industries Plc [2008] ). Key cases Case Facts Principle Boston Deep Sea Fishing and Ice Co v Ansell (1888)
7. Employment I: employment status, equal pay, and equality
identifying the extent of discrimination—especially in cases dealing with the wearing of Islamic headscarves at work. In Case C-157/15 Achbita, Centrum voor Gelijkheid van kansen en
9. Company law I: trading structures and forming the business
company provides an advantage over operating as a sole trader. Key cases Case Facts Principle Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22 Salomon
11. Intellectual property and data protection
mathematical concepts. Case C-310/17 Levola Hengelo BV v Smilde Foods BV [2018] ECLI:EU:C:2018:899 The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) heard a case from a Dutch court regarding