The Q&A series offer the best preparation for tackling exam questions. Each book includes typical questions, bullet-pointed answer plans and suggested answers, author commentary, and illustrative diagrams and flowcharts. This chapter gives students advice on skills for success in employment law exams. It includes tips on how to get the most out of an employment law course and how best to use the revision period. Students are also provided with helpful hints on what to do in the exam room to ensure that they have the best chance of success, as well as advice on the structure and approach to problem questions and essays.
1. Exam skills for success in employment law
16. Revision and examination skills
This chapter provides a selection of practical tips on formulating an effective revision strategy from planning and organization through to a series of practical tasks that can be undertaken alone or in groups. The overall aim is to provide some insight into the various ways that revision can be made more variable, engaging, and effective. The discussions cover how to prepare for revision; reviewing each subject; revision strategies; and issues related to exams.
6. Product Liability
Dr Karen Dyer and Dr Anil Balan
Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. The chapter discusses the law on product liability. It covers key debates, sample questions, diagram answer plan, tips for getting extra marks, and online resources. To answer questions on this topic, students need to understand the following: the general principles of negligence; the meaning of strict liability; and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and its relationship with the common law regarding consumer protection.
20. Study Skills
This chapter presents guidelines on how to study law effectively and approach assignments and examinations. The discussions cover the efficient management and organization of study time and how to best take advantage of lectures, tutorials, and seminars. It explains the importance of developing the technical skills of good note-taking for formal teaching sessions and for private reading. It highlights the importance of summarizing and referencing text. The chapter explains how and where case reports and statutes can be located, both electronically and on paper. Advice is given on how to approach essay and problem-based assignment questions. The chapter concludes with a discussion on preparation for exams.
8. Preparing for Assessments and Assignments
This chapter prepares a student for successful assessment by exploring important considerations and key skills for law assessments. The chapter considers the purpose of assessment and the difference between formative and summative assessments, and how to approach assessment and get the most from each opportunity accordingly. Guidance is provided on different types of assessment, including closed/open book, time-limited assessment, and in-person/online assessment. The chapter examines the importance of preparing effectively for each assessment, including revision, reflection, and understanding assessment criteria. The chapter also summarises ways in which a student can seek to raise their grade; and how to avoid the pitfalls of academic misconduct, plagiarism, and poor academic practice. Guidance is also given on coping with the pressures of assessment.
1. Exam Skills for Success in Company Law
The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions and coursework. Each book includes typical questions, suggested answers with commentary, illustrative diagrams, guidance on how to develop your answer, suggestions for further reading, and advice on exams and coursework. This chapter provides advice on exams and exam questions in company law to ensure you are best prepared for your assessment, including guidance on how to approach essay and problem questions. It provides lots of important tips for exam success, covering both your preparation for the exam, and your approach to the exam itself. The well-known approaches of IRAC (Issue, Rule, Apply, Conclude) to problem questions and PEA (Point, Explain, Analysis) to essay writing are reviewed.