This chapter discusses the law governing financial remedies in the context of a divorce, dissolution of a civil partnership, nullity and separation. It deals with the court’s powers and the procedures under which these are exercised.
8. Financial Remedies: The Court’s Powers
N V Lowe, G Douglas, E Hitchings, and R Taylor
9. Financial Remedies: Principles and Assessment
N V Lowe, G Douglas, E Hitchings, and R Taylor
Most of the legislation governing the financial arrangements on the ending of a marriage dates back over 40 years, when attitudes and economic and social factors affecting marriage were very different. This chapter examines courts’ attempts to keep the law in step with societal changes through case law. It considers the statutory criteria; the principles developed from case law; the current approach of the courts; private ordering between the parties; and how the orders made by the courts are altered in the light of subsequent events. It concludes by discussing proposals for reform.
7. Financial Remedies and Child Support
The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam and assignment questions. Each book includes key debates, typical questions, diagram answer plans, suggested answers, author commentary, and tips to gain extra marks. This chapter deals with financial remedies during divorce, nullity and judicial separation proceedings, and child support. The first question is a problem question that requires discussion of financial support during marriage, financial orders on divorce and the factors contained in s. 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. The second problem question focuses on financial orders on divorce and variation and appeal of financial orders. The third question is an essay question on the development of the law relating to pre-nuptial and post-nuptial contracts, whilst the final essay question focuses on child support, which is primarily regulated by the Child Support Act 1991.
6. Financial Remedies on Divorce
All books in this flagship series contain carefully selected substantial extracts from key cases, legislation, and academic debate, providing able students with a stand-alone resource. This chapter focuses on financial remedies on divorce. After outlining key socio-economic data about the family economy and its impact on family members (especially parents) on relationship breakdown, it discusses financial remedies on divorce; the principles governing the grant of those and exercise of the statutory discretion; the clean break principle; private ordering; and reform.
12. Mixed Topic Questions
The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam and assignment questions. Each book includes key debates, typical questions, diagram answer plans, suggested answers, author commentary, and tips to gain extra marks. In real life a client is likely to require advice in relation to a number of family law issues and as a consequence, family law assessments sometimes require students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics. This chapter contains five mixed problem questions that cover more than one area of family law: together they cover forced marriage; nullity; divorce; domestic abuse; legal parenthood; child maintenance; private law relating to children; the resolution of family disputes; financial remedies on divorce; and family property.