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Cover Business Law

14. Legal Requirements when Establishing a Business Enterprise  

This chapter studies the various forms of business organization that are available to those who trade. It focuses on the types of trading structures available, how they are established, and provides an overview of the implications of each form of business organization. It should be noted that there is no one model that will suit every individual or every business model. It is very much the decision of the individual—having assessed the business, what they wish to do with it, and how they see it continuing in the future—to determine the form of enterprise chosen. Being aware of the consequences for the business organization is crucial in making this decision.


Cover Business Law

15. The Administration of Corporations  

This chapter studies the various forms of business organization that are available to those who trade. It focuses on the types of trading structures available, how they are established, and provides an overview of the implications of each form of business organization. It should be noted that there is no one model that will suit every individual or every business model. It is very much the decision of the individual—having assessed the business, what they wish to do with it, and how they see it continuing in the future—to determine the form of enterprise chosen. Being aware of the consequences for the business organization is crucial in making this decision.