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Cover Business Law Concentrate

10. Company law II: directors, finance, and capital  

Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. This chapter discusses the law governing company directors and shareholders. The common law duties on directors have been codified and expanded through the Companies Act (CA) 2006. Directors are responsible to the company itself, not to individual shareholders. Minority protection (of shareholders) is provided through the CA 2006 to restrict directors’ acts that may unfairly disadvantage them. Public companies must have a company secretary and they must satisfy statutory requirements in relation to their qualifications. Shareholders have no automatic right of management in the company although, through attendance and the rights to vote at shareholder meetings, they may have influence over the business conducted.


Cover Business Law

17. The Management of Corporations  

This chapter considers corporate management and focuses on the regulation of those who govern the company, and the protection of the shareholders, who have no automatic right of management. The actual ‘running’ of the company is left to the directors, a relatively small number of persons who may take individual responsibility for aspects of the company’s business or may oversee the company as a whole. Directors have significant powers when acting for the company, and whilst a corporation possesses its own separate legal personality, independent of those who manage it, the actions of the company are performed, under authority provided by statute and the company’s constitution, by its directors. The chapter identifies the appointment of directors and their duties as codified from the common law into the Companies Act (CA) 2006, and the provisions for removing a director.