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Cover Criminology Skills

8. Referencing and avoiding plagiarism  

This chapter focuses on referencing and avoiding plagiarism. It explains the meaning of plagiarism in detail and introduces the Harvard style of referencing. It explains when references must be provided in order to avoid inadvertent plagiarism. The chapter discusses referencing printed materials, government publications, legal sources, audio-visual sources, and electronic sources consistently and thoroughly using Harvard (name-date) referencing.


Cover Concentrate Questions and Answers Evidence

12. Skills for success in coursework assessments  

The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions. Each book includes typical questions, bullet-pointed answer plans and suggested answers, author commentary and illustrative diagrams and flow charts. This chapter gives guidance on answering coursework questions and expands on the distinguishing features of coursework which are research, authorities and citation. You will be expected to have researched in more than usual depth to answer these types of questions and to give full as well as accurate references for your arguments and analysis. The chapter also covers writing and reading; sources; academic writing; keeping organised notes; analysis, writing style and referencing; and assessment criteria. A coursework example question, with accompanying answer guidance, is also available.


Cover Concentrate Questions and Answers Contract Law

15. Skills for Success in Coursework Assessments  

The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions. Each book includes typical questions, answer plans and suggested answers, author commentary, and other features. Q&A Law of Contract provides guidance on answering questions on the law of contract. This chapter provides advice on preparing and writing an answer to a coursework question. It looks at: researching, planning, and preparing to write; critical analysis and evaluation; structure; writing your answer; relevance and sticking to the word limit; and referencing and citation of legal authorities. It also provides example coursework for you to look at.


Cover Learning Legal Rules

4. From Reading to Writing  

This chapter discusses the techniques involved in basic academic legal writing—an important aspect of one of the key skills required by employers, namely written communication. It covers writing legal essays—conveying information, constructing an argument, and applying the information and arguments to the essay title; answering legal problems and considering questions of legal liability; how to present your answers by use of the IRAC system; planning your answers and checking your work; the significance of referencing and the various methods used to reference work; and marking standards used by various quality assurance bodies and how law essays are marked.


Cover Legal Skills

13. Referencing and avoiding plagiarism  

This chapter focuses on referencing and avoiding plagiarism. These skills are of critical importance to law students since their academic work will inevitably require them to read, critically consider, and evaluate the work of others. However, they must ensure that they carefully and meticulously distinguish their own work, ideas, and arguments from those of the authors or judges encountered during their research. This is done by providing thorough references to the sources used in their work; failure to do so may lead to accusations of plagiarism. The chapter first explains the meaning of plagiarism in more detail and then discusses OSCOLA, the most frequently encountered referencing system in academic law.


Cover Concentrate Questions and Answers Human Rights and Civil Liberties

12. Skills for Success in Coursework Assessments  

The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions. Each book includes typical questions, diagram answer plans, caution advice, suggested answers, illustrative diagrams and flowcharts, and advice on gaining extra marks. Concentrate Q&A Human Rights & Civil Liberties offers expert advice on what to expect from your human rights and civil liberties exam, how best to prepare, and guidance on what examiners are really looking for. Written by experienced examiners, it provides: clear commentary with each question and answer; bullet point and diagram answer plans; tips to make your answer really stand out from the crowd; and further reading suggestions at the end of every chapter. The book should help you to: identify typical law exam questions; structure a first-class answer; avoid common mistakes; show the examiner what you know; all making your answer stand out from the crowd. This chapter covers the skills required from students when completing assessments, including how to achieve success and high marks. It highlights the approach that needs to be taken when writing coursework in this legal area. The need for logical structured answers is also stressed. A coursework example question, with accompanying answer guidance, is also available.