The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions. Each book includes typical questions, answer plans and suggested answers, author commentary, and other features. Concentrate Q&A Contract Law provides guidance on answering questions on the law of contract. This chapter focuses on the exam skills you will need to develop in order to be successful in Contract Law. It outlines how the book may be used to aid you in writing answers to contract essay and problem questions. It also provides general guidance for questions which are broken into parts and how marks are allocated, the focus of exam questions, and expectations in relation to written work.
1. Exam Skills for Success in Contract Law
12. Mixed Topic Questions
The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam and assignment questions. Each book includes key debates, typical questions, diagram answer plans, suggested answers, author commentary, and tips to gain extra marks. In real life a client is likely to require advice in relation to a number of family law issues and as a consequence, family law assessments sometimes require students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics. This chapter contains five mixed problem questions that cover more than one area of family law: together they cover forced marriage; nullity; divorce; domestic abuse; legal parenthood; child maintenance; private law relating to children; the resolution of family disputes; financial remedies on divorce; and family property.
9. Assessments and Assignments in Law
This chapter looks at some of the many different forms of assessment a law student may come across, depending on where they are studying and the subjects they choose. These include coursework, exams, multiple-choice tests, advocacy or other oral presentations, posters, and reflective reports. The chapter also considers dissertations and other research projects, and group work for assessment. The chapter gives advice on how to approach different types of assessment to enhance their chances of success. Specific guidance is also provided on responding to problem questions and essays, whether in coursework or exams including consideration of the IRAC and CEEO methods.
1. Exam Skills for Success in Company Law
The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions and coursework. Each book includes typical questions, suggested answers with commentary, illustrative diagrams, guidance on how to develop your answer, suggestions for further reading, and advice on exams and coursework. This chapter provides advice on exams and exam questions in company law to ensure you are best prepared for your assessment, including guidance on how to approach essay and problem questions. It provides lots of important tips for exam success, covering both your preparation for the exam, and your approach to the exam itself. The well-known approaches of IRAC (Issue, Rule, Apply, Conclude) to problem questions and PEA (Point, Explain, Analysis) to essay writing are reviewed.