This chapter focuses on those duties relating to conflicts of interests, before moving on to look at transactions involving directors that require member approval. Section 175 of the CA 2006 provides that a director must avoid a situation in which they have, or can have, an interest that conflicts with that of the company. Section 176 provides that a director must not accept, from a third party, a benefit conferred by reason of their being a director or by doing anything as a director. Meanwhile, section 177 provides that a director who is interested in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the company must disclose the nature and extent of that interest to the other directors. Member approval is required if a director is interested in a ‘substantial property transaction’ involving the company or if a director is to enter into a loan, quasi-loan, or credit transaction with the company.
11. Directors’ duties II: conflicts of interest
10. The fiduciary duty
The fiduciary duty is the defining duty of trusteeship and consists of several overlapping obligations intended to promote loyalty or faithfulness. As part of his fiduciary duty, the trustee should avoid conflict with the interests of the trust and not to make an unauthorised unauthorized profit from the trust property, or from his position of trust. The fiduciary duty may also apply to a person who is not a trustee, in which case he is said to be a fiduciary. This chapter examines the principal obligations of trusteeship and the implications of breach of those obligations for trustees, beneficiaries, and third parties. It first discusses the strict rule of exemplary fiduciary propriety before turning to the duty of good faith. The chapter also looks at fiduciary relationships and fiduciary duties, the fiduciary duty to avoid conflicts of interest, the fiduciary duty to account for unauthorised unauthorized profits, and trustee remuneration.
6. Directors’ Duties
This chapter examines the law on directors’ duties, as restated in the Companies Act 2006, other than the core duty of loyalty which is discussed in Chapter 2. It covers the duty of care, the duty to act within powers, the duty to exercise independent judgement, and, most importantly, the application of fiduciary duties to various types of conflict of interest. Many of the most interesting doctrinal questions about company law arise in this area and it is righly placed at the center of many company law courses. However, it may that other sets of rules, discussed in earlier chapters, are more important in practice in the regulation of internal company relations. In addition to the substantive law, the remedies available in respect of breaches are analysed, as is the freedom of shareholders to waive breaches of duty, both after and before the event.
10. The fiduciary duty
The fiduciary duty is the defining duty of trusteeship and consists of several overlapping obligations intended to promote loyalty or faithfulness. As part of his fiduciary duty, the trustee should avoid conflict with the interests of the trust and not to make an unauthorized profit from the trust property, or from his position of trust. The fiduciary duty may also apply to a person who is not a trustee, in which case he is said to be a fiduciary. This chapter examines the principal obligations of trusteeship and the implications of breach of those obligations for trustees, beneficiaries, and third parties. It first discusses the strict rule of exemplary fiduciary propriety before turning to the duty of good faith. The chapter also looks at fiduciary relationships and fiduciary duties, the fiduciary duty to avoid conflicts of interest, the fiduciary duty to account for unauthorized profits, and trustee remuneration.