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Cover Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law

28. The international minimum standard: Diplomatic protection and protection of investments  

This chapter considers two discrete streams of authority – one based on the practice and jurisprudence of diplomatic protection, the other based on the generic standards in over 2,500 bilateral and multilateral investment treaties, as applied in some hundreds of tribunal decisions. The discussions cover the admission, expulsion, and liabilities of aliens; requirements for and standards of diplomatic protection; and breach and annulment of state contracts.


Cover Human Rights Law Directions

7. Ancillary rights  

Without assuming prior legal knowledge, books in the Directions series introduce and guide readers through key points of law and legal debate. Questions, discussion points, and thinking points help readers to engage fully with each subject and check their understanding as they progress and knowledge can be tested by self-test questions and exam questions at the chapter end. This chapter focuses Convention rights that are considered ancillary by virtue of the fact that they do not in themselves establish any substantive human rights but are relevant to the way the substantive rights are put into effect. Specifically, the chapter discusses Article 14, which prohibits discrimination in the way Convention rights and freedoms are secured; Article 15, which allows states to derogate from their responsibilities under certain circumstances; Article 16, which allows states to restrict the political activities of aliens; Article 17, which authorises the ECtHR and national courts to refuse to uphold the rights of those who would use them to undermine the rights of others; and Article 18, which insists that rights and freedoms in the Convention can be restricted and qualified.