Technical Support
- Help with using the site - detailed Help is available, but if you can't find an answer on the site please do Contact Us.
- Our Accessibility statement can be found at the foot of the page.
- Make use of our User Guides and walkthrough videos to promote and encourage usage of Law Trove at your institution.
Institutional account management
Institutional account management is conducted on the Oxford Academic website.
1. Go to
2. Click the account icon in the top right of the page
3. Click Sign in as administrator
4. Enter your administrator account credentials
5. Once signed in, click the account icon for account management
Here, you will be able to
• View usage statistics
• Manage institutional settings such as IP addresses and OpenURL
Please note that Institutional subscriptions for this product are not listed on Oxford Academic. For all subscription enquiries, please Contact Us.
Usage reporting
Oxford University Press provides usage statistics that are compliant with the COUNTER Code of Practice, Release 5. These reports are designed to be clear, flexible, and consistent. For more information and to access reports for your institution, please see our Usage Statistics page for librarians.
Academic and librarians should also liaise with their campus representative who will provide regular usage reports for you.
KBART files
KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) files for this product are not included on Oxford Academic, but are housed on the site and can be downloaded using the link below.
Download KBART files
MARC Records
MARC21 records are available for Law Trove. These MARC21 records are AACR2 or RDA, SACO and NACO-compliant.
- To download a single MARC file that contains all records included in a subscription to the Complete Law Collection 2024, click here. This MARC file contains 184 records and was created on 27th August.
- To download a single MARC file that contains all records included in a subscription to the Complete Law and Criminology Collection 2024, click here. This MARC file contains 195 records and was created on 27th August.
If the links above do not meet your needs, please contact
DOI links
A digital object identifier (DOI) is available for every book and chapter, shown at the top of each article page.
Download the DOI list to directly link from your reading lists or module handbook to Law Trove content.
Which discovery services do you support?
Currently, metadata from Law Trove is live within EBSCO, OCLC, Summon and ExLibris.
Top tips for teaching academics using Law Trove
Research shows that, as with textbook recommendations, law students rely on the same level of recommendation when using textbooks in an alternative format. Students get more out of Law Trove if they are given direction, and it is integrated in teaching materials.
Remember your campus representative is on hand to provide teaching team training sessions, as well as full training to students.
For technical support, access issues and troubleshooting you can contact our customer support team by email or telephone: 01865 353705.
Integration with your university logon
Access is available through IP range, Athens or Shibboleth.
Linking to Law Trove from your reading list
You can hyperlink your reading list to take students directly to the correct book, or even chapter, in Law Trove. We recommend that you use a digital object identifier (DOI), as this will act as a permanent URL for that content online.
The book's or chapter’s DOI is located with the bibliographic information at the top of the page. Your campus representative can help you set up links.
Turnitin is the leading plagiarism prevention service. Law Trove is Turnitin compatible.
Self-testing and checking progress
Students can test their understanding of a subject by accessing multiple-choice questions with instant feedback. It’s not assessed and is done in private, but they can then tell you where they are struggling. Look in the related links box at the end of each book or chapter and refer your students to it.
Engaging with case law through Essential Cases
Exclusive to Law Trove, this resource has been welcomed by academics. Essential Cases provide succinct summaries of some of the landmark and most influential cases in the core subject areas. Each summary begins with a review of the main case facts and decision and is concluded with author commentary including their assessment of the wider questions raised by the decision. Each case is linked to the full case judgment.
Wider reading
Where further reading is listed there is an option to find the resource “in your library”. Metadata about the bibliographic reference is passed to the catalogue via an OpenURL resolver, and the relevant results from the library are shown (e.g. print/online, and whether available to borrow or out on loan).
Your librarian may need to change the URL preferences to activate this feature.
Further guidance
Join one of our product experts for a live online webinar, free for you and your users, the upcoming webinars are posted on the homepage.