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Cover Company Law

Brenda Hannigan

Company Law brings clarity and analysis to the ever-changing landscape of this field. The text aims to capture the dynamism of the subject, places the material in context, highlights its relevance and topicality, and guides readers through all the major areas. The book is divided into five distinct parts covering corporate structure (including legal personality, attribution, and constitutional issues), corporate governance (including board composition, directors’ duties, and liabilities), shareholders’ rights and remedies (including membership rights regarding meetings and resolutions, shareholder petitions, and derivative claims), corporate finance (including share and loan capital), and corporate insolvency.


Cover Company Law

Brenda Hannigan

Company Law brings clarity and analysis to the ever-changing landscape of this field. The text aims to capture the dynamism of the subject, places the material in context, highlights its relevance and topicality, and guides readers through all the major issues. From incorporation through to liquidation and dissolution, the work explores the workings of the corporate entity. The book is divided into five distinct sections covering corporate structure (including legal personality and constitutional issues), corporate governance (including directors’ duties and liabilities), shareholders’ rights and remedies (including powers of decision-making and shareholder petitions), corporate finance (including share and loan capital), and corporate insolvency.


Cover Company Law

Lee Roach

Company Law guides the reader through the intricacies of the subject with expert analysis of the application of principles to real-life cases. The chapters provide comprehensive coverage of all core aspects of company law. The relationship between company law and corporate governance is explored, ensuring that readers have a full picture of how and why companies are create d and regulated. Topics include: the formation and nature of the company; the board of directors; membership of the company; and corporate rescue, restructuring, and insolvency; and new subjects such as the effects of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union and the impact upon company law of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Cover Company Law

Alan Dignam and John Lowry

Titles in the Core Text series take the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing focused, concise, and reliable guides for students at all levels. Company Law provides an account of the key principles of this area of law. It aims to demystify this complex subject. Chapter introductions provide summaries of various aspects of company law and further reading provide the tools for further research and study. This volume includes coverage of new case law such as Hurstwood Properties (A) Ltd and others v Rossendale Borough Council and another (2021) on veil lifting, Sevilleja Garcia v Marex Financial Ltd (2020), and Primeo Fund v Bank of Bermuda (Cayman) Ltd (2021) on reflective loss; Chu v Lau (2020) on just and equitable winding up in ‘deadlock’ cases; Primekings Holding Ltd v King (2021) on unfair prejudice; Ming Siu Hung v J F Ming Inc (2021) on buy-out orders; Byers v Chen Ninging (2021) on breach of directors’ duties; CPS v Aquila Advisory Ltd (2021) on attribution; together with recent legislation including the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020; the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022; the Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Act 2021; and the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022. On corporate governance, the latest developments surrounding the UK Corporate Governance Code and Stewardship Developments 2020 together with the Wates Corporate Governance Principles for Large Private Companies, the FTSE Women Leaders Report 2022 on gender diversity on boards, and the Parker Review 2022 on ethnic diversity on boards are discussed as well as climate change litigation using s 172 of the Companies Act 2006.


Cover Concentrate Questions and Answers Company Law
The Concentrate Questions and Answers series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions and coursework. Each book includes: typical questions; suggested answers with commentary; illustrative diagrams; guidance on how to develop your answer; key debates; suggestions for further reading; and advice on exams and coursework. Concentrate Q&A Company Law offers expert advice on what to expect from your company law exam and coursework, how best to prepare, and guidance on what examiners are really looking for. Written by an experienced examiner, it provides: reminders of points to consider; indications of key debates for each topic; exam-length suggested answers; clear commentary with each answer; diagram answer plans; cautionary points; tips to make your answer stand out from the crowd; and annotated further reading suggestions at the end of every chapter. The book should help you to: identify typical company law exam questions; structure and write a first-class answer; avoid common mistakes; show the examiner what you know; develop and demonstrate your understanding; identify connections between topics; and find relevant and helpful further reading. As well as separate chapters on exam skills and preparing coursework, it covers: companies and corporate personality; the corporate constitution; shares and shareholders; directors’ duties; company management and governance; minority shareholder remedies; corporate liability (contracts, torts, and crimes); share capital; loan capital; and corporate insolvency. The book is suitable for undergraduate students taking a module in company law on the LLB and GDL, and undergraduate students studying aspects of company law on other degreecourses.


Cover Introduction to Company Law
Introduction to Company Law provides a conceptual introduction and a clear framework with which to navigate the intricacies of company law. The book analyses the mechanisms through which the law provides an organisational structure for the conduct of business. Given that structure, the book discusses how the law seeks to reduce the costs of using it, whether these are costs for managers, shareholders as a class, non-controlling shareholders, creditors, or employees, identifying the trade-offs involved. This discussion takes in both the Companies Act 2006 and various types of ‘soft law’, notably the Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes. This third edition contains two new chapters: one on liability and enforcement and the other on the social function of corporate law. Both are issues that have come to prominence in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–09.


Cover Mayson, French, and Ryan on Company Law
Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law looks at all aspects of current UK company law. The 38th edition continues the tradition of providing accurate technical detail, examination of theory, and quotations from key cases. The volume starts with an overview of the topic. Next it looks at the establishment of companies. It moves on to consider finance which includes an examination of shares, accounts, loans, market abuse, capital and borrowing. The next part of the text considers governance. It looks at shareholders, directors, duties of directors, company secretaries and auditors, remedies and acting for a company. The last part of the text examines insolvency and liquidation.


Cover Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases, and Materials in Company Law
Sealy & Worthington’s Cases and Materials in Company Law clearly explains the fundamental structure of company law and provides a concise introduction to each different aspect of the subject. The materials are carefully selected and well supported by commentary so that the logic of the doctrinal or policy argument is unambiguously laid out. Notes and questions appear periodically throughout the text to provoke persistent analysis and debate, and to enable students to test their understanding of the issues as the topics unfold. This text covers a wide range of sources, and provides intelligent and thought-provoking commentary in a succinct format. It is invaluable to all those who need vital materials and expert observations on company law in one volume. This twelfth edition brings: improved chapter order and location of materials; the incorporation of changes necessitated by Brexit; complete updating of statutory, regulatory and case law materials, including by the Corporate Governance and Insolvency Act 2020 and the many changes and additions to corporate governance codes requiring ‘apply and explain’ and ‘comply or explain’ adherence; major rewriting of Chapter 3 (Corporate Activity and Legal Liability) in the light of significant Supreme Court cases; expansion of Chapter 6 (Corporate Governance) and Chapter 9 (Company Auditors), along with additional coverage of shareholder remedies (Chapter 8), including coverage of Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd (2020, SC) and new cases on statutory derivative actions; and additional coverage of insolvency issues.