This classic textbook, now in its 40th year, focuses on medical law and its relationship with medical ethics and practice. It provides thorough coverage of key topics found on medical law courses, and in-depth analysis of recent court decisions and legislation, encouraging students to think critically about this area of study. The textbook covers the whole field of modern ethical medical practice, making the book suitable for use on all undergraduate and postgraduate medical law courses. It presents a diversity of views in ethical debates, provides analysis of significant new cases and key legislative developments, and encourages students to explore and form their own opinions on contested issues in medical law. It adopts a UK-wide approach to the examination of medical law, taking account of the impact of devolution and Brexit, as well as the influence of international policy and legal developments in shaping medical law in the UK. Among other updates to this edition include brand new ethics chapters that introduce students to concepts, theories, and tools that frame interpretation and analysis of medical law, as well as new or revised chapters in the governance of the UK health system, public health, the regulation of health and social care professionals, and mental health.
Anne-Maree Farrell and Edward S. Dove
Graeme Laurie, Shawn Harmon, and Edward Dove
This textbook has provided a framework for exploring medical law and ethics for more than 35 years. It provides extensive examination of the interrelationship between ethical medical practice and the law. The authors offer their own opinions on current debates and controversies, and encourage readers to formulate their own views and arguments. Medical law is significantly shaped by the courts, and this book provides extensive coverage of recent judicial decisions as well as statutory developments. This eleventh edition continues to take a comparative approach, as in the case of assisted suicide, and also on the growing influence of international instruments and collaborations, as demonstrated in the field of health research. Despite the prospect of Brexit, the book continues to offer a dedicated and in-depth chapter on the influence of EU law on the field. The book is essential reading for any serious medical law student or practitioner, as well as being of interest to all those involved in the delivery and regulation of modern health care. New or updated material includes: a new chapter bringing together the range of ethico-legal issues affecting children, including minors and consent, data protection and research with children; detailed discussion of the high-profile court decisions involving Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans regarding medically futile treatment of infants; consideration of the Supreme Court ruling in Darnley v Croydon Health Services and the implications for A&E departments and their duty of care to patients; discussion of updated GMC guidance on Confidentiality (2017); fully updated discussion of the case law and changes in regulation of international surrogacy; and consideration throughout of the of the General Data Protection Regulation, which came in May 2018.
Emily Jackson
All books in this flagship series contain carefully selected substantial extracts from key cases, legislation, and academic debate, providing students with a stand-alone resource. Medical Law: Text, Cases, and Materials offers exactly what the title says—all of the explanation, commentary, and extracts from cases and key materials that students need to gain a thorough understanding of this complex topic. Key case extracts provide the legal context, facts, and background; extracts from materials, including from the most groundbreaking writers of today, provide differing ethical perspectives and outline current debates; and the author’s insightful commentary ensures that readers understand the facts of the cases and can navigate the ethical landscape to form their own understanding of medical law. Chapters cover all of the topics commonly found on medical law courses, including a separate chapter on mental health law. This new edition, thoroughly updated, includes: coverage of important new cases in all chapters; the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications; the government’s White Paper on reform of the Mental Health Act; changes to the regulation of clinical trials and medicines in the UK as a result of Brexit; the change in the law on organ donation, which brought in an opt-out system in 2020; expanded coverage of data sharing and mobile technologies; changes to the law on abortion in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland; proposals set out in the Law Commissions’ consultation on reform of the law on surrogacy; and the most recent Assisted Dying Bill in England.
Jonathan Herring
Medical Law and Ethics covers not only the core legal principles, key cases, and statutes that govern medical law, but also explores the key ethical debates and dilemmas that exist in the field to ensure that the law is firmly embedded within its context. The title highlights these debates, drawing angles from other jurisdictions, religious beliefs, and feminist perspectives which influence legal regulations. Other features such as ‘a shock to the system’, ‘public opinion’, and ‘reality check’ introduce further sociological aspects, contributing to the way in which the subject is approached. This new edition also includes a new chapter on the medical law governing children and discussion of the response to the COVID pandemic. It also discusses important developments in the case law governing the Mental Capacity Act, clinical negligence, abortion, and reproduction.
Jo Samanta and Ash Samanta
Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. Medical Law Concentrate provides a study and revision guide aiming to cover the essential aspects of this rapidly changing field of law. Topics covered include: the contemporary healthcare environment; medical negligence; consent; confidentiality; and access to medical records. The volume also looks at abortion and prenatal harm, assisted reproduction, clinical research, and organ transplantation. Finally, it covers mental health law and the end-of-life decisions. The work is underpinned by reference to statutory provisions and the common law. Where appropriate, pertinent bioethical and moral principles that often underpin the law in this area are discussed, as well as the influence of quasi-law. Reference is made to key points of comparison with other jurisdictions, as well as some socio-legal considerations.
Peter Bartlett and Ralph Sandland
Written by two of the country's leading specialists in mental health law, Mental Health Law: Policy and Practice, fourth edition, provides a detailed overview of the law and the socio-legal, historical, sociological, and cultural issues that surround it. Mental health law, at its heart, involves the forcible confinement and medication of some of society's most vulnerable people, and the authors look closely at the legal and social issues raised by this, and the human rights of those who suffer from mental illness. With reference to recent cases and new legislation, the authors analyse the legal structure and functions of the mental health system, and the problems of characterizing mental health law. The case law and statutes contain implied premises as to what it is to be a citizen, what the role of the state is for the vulnerable, and what the relative roles of law and medicine are in the regulation of control and deviance. Mental health law is an area of considerable legal and social complexity, and the authors challenge readers to question the system and the policies that have been developed. New to this edition are a significant restructuring of the text to take account of changes in law, policy, and practice; and new and expanded coverage of various topics including the 2007 reforms to the 1983 Mental Health Act, DOLS and the MHA/MCA interface, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.