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Cover Partnership and LLP Law

Geoffrey Morse and Thomas Braithwaite

This book explains the legal framework within which partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) operate in England and Wales. In relation to partnerships, it deals first with the characteristics and essential elements for a partnership to exist; the distinction between partners, creditors, and employees; and the interaction between partnerships and public regulation. The book then deals with the two major consequences of a partnership, the liability of partners to third parties for actions taken by their fellow partners and the duties and liability of each partner to the other partners. It then identifies and explores the assets which have become partnership property. The issues relating to dissolution follow, setting out how a partnership may be dissolved (in full or in part) and the procedures to effect that. The impact of the insolvency of the firm and/or bankruptcy of the partners is covered. The rapid rise of the use of limited partnerships is explained together with the modifications to partnership law and the creation of private fund limited partnerships. In relation to LLPs, after setting out the background to the legislation and explaining its structure, it examines the requirements for the creation of LLPs, how they are incorporated, and the consequences of their incorporation as separate legal entities. It then explores what membership of an LLP entails, including the interrelation of membership with employment and worker status, and the relations between members and the LLP and between the members themselves. It then looks at the default provisions, the role of the LLP Agreement, and the extent to which contractual doctrines such as repudiation and frustration apply to that agreement. Finally, the book looks at decision-making within an LLP, termination of a member’s membership, and insolvency and dissolution of the LLP itself.


Cover A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution

Susan Blake, Julie Browne, and Stuart Sime

A Practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution provides a commentary on all of the major areas of out-of-court dispute resolution. The text is made up of six parts. Part I looks at the history and range of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. The second part moves on to the interplay between ADR, civil procedural rules (CPR), and litigation. The third part focuses on negotiation and mediation. It looks at styles, strategies, and tactics; preparation for mediation; and the mediation process as a whole. It also touches on international mediation. Part IV is about evaluation, conciliation, and Ombudsmen. The fifth part examines recording settlement. The sixth and final part is about adjudicative ADR. It contains chapters on expert or neutral determination, construction industry adjudication, arbitration, arbitration tribunals, commercial arbitration, international arbitration, awards and orders, High Court jurisdiction in arbitration claims, and, finally, enforcement of settlement and awards.


Cover A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure
A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure guides the reader through the procedural requirements employed in the civil courts. The book provides an overview of the key statutory provisions, rules, practice directions, and case law which govern the various stages of a civil litigation claim. Providing practical guidance, the text charts the progress of a typical civil litigation claim, from funding litigation, the importance of alternative dispute resolution processes, issuing and serving proceedings, case management, and through to trial, enforcement, and appeal. Relevant sample documentation is featured throughout and introduces the forms and documents which will be encountered in practice, while key points summaries featured at the end of chapters highlight the essential points covered. This edition has been revised to incorporate rule changes up to the Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2024 and the 164th Update. Changes incorporated into the new edition include: • Replacement rules on case management • Introduction of a new intermediate track • Introduction of fixed recoverable costs for the fast and intermediate tracks, with a new chapter on fixed costs • Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council on the compulsory use of ADR • Increasing use of information technology in court processes • Replacement rules on admissions • Case law on the inter-relation between applications to set aside default judgments and the Denton guidelines on relief from sanctions • Replacement rules on summary judgment • Substantial changes to the rules on parties • Changes to the rules on amendment • Rule changes on Qualified One-Way Costs Shifting to over-rule the Supreme Court decision in Adelekun v Ho • New Supreme Court decisions on trial processes • Privy Council guidance on the requirements for Norwich Pharmacal orders


Cover A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure
A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure guides the reader through the procedural requirements employed in the civil courts. The volume provides an overview of the key statutory provisions, rules, practice directions, and case law which govern the various stages of a civil litigation claim. Providing practical guidance, the text charts the progress of a typical civil litigation claim, from funding litigation, the importance of alternative dispute resolution processes, issuing and serving proceedings, case management, and through to trial, enforcement, and appeal. Relevant sample documentation is featured throughout and introduces the forms and documents which will be encountered in practice, while key points summaries featured at the end of chapters highlight the essential points covered. This edition has been revised to incorporate rule changes up to the Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2022 and the 144th Update. Changes incorporated into the new edition include: • Replacement rules on acknowledging service • Replacement rules on default judgment • New track allocation rules for road traffic accident claims • Case law developments on Qualified One-Way Costs Shifting • New Supreme Court decision on limitation • Revised PD 51U on disclosure of documents in the Business and Property Courts • Case law developments on privilege • Recent developments on seeking permission to appeal • Measures to assist vulnerable parties and witnesses • Developments on search orders and case law on imaging orders • End of the Siskina rule in relation to interim injunctions and freezing orders • Broad Idea v Convoy Collatera and its impact on freezing injunctions


Cover A Practical Approach to Effective Litigation
A Practical Approach to Effective Litigation analyses the key skills needed to handle a case effectively. At a time of rapid and wide-ranging change in the delivery of legal services, the current edition reworks the text to take into account the implications of the implementation of the Jackson Review, and to see effective litigation clearly in the context of concerns about funding, case management by the court, costs, and the growing use of alternative dispute resolution. The volume has a strong focus on the needs of the legal practitioner, the decisions to be taken at each stage of a case, and the criteria to apply in making those decisions. This is all securely based in references to relevant Civil Procedure Rules and decided cases, with checklists and commentary to assist in the project management of a case. The work also focuses on the skills a lawyer needs to work effectively. This includes skills in dealing with a client, drafting legal documents, and presenting a case in court. Throughout the work the emphasis is on demonstrating how to use law effectively, how to develop a case, and how to present persuasive arguments. Lawyers operate in an increasingly complex environment, faced with challenges in funding a case, in managing a case to avoid sanctions, and in using complex rules to best effect. The work addresses the use of legal knowledge and skills within this rapidly changing context, bearing in mind not least that the pace of change is likely to continue with the developing use of IT, and the widening use of alternative business structures.