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A Practical Approach to Effective Litigation

A Practical Approach to Effective Litigation (8th edn)

Susan Blake
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date: 15 February 2025

6. Financing Litigationlocked

6. Financing Litigationlocked

  • Susan BlakeSusan BlakeDirector of Studies and Associate Dean, Inns of Court School of Law


This chapter focuses on funding options for litigation. Expense is one of the biggest issues relating to litigation. The high cost of litigation has perhaps been tolerated to some extent out of respect for the expertise of lawyers and because of problems in finding a consensus on how litigation is best funded. The detailed work of the Jackson Review of Civil Litigation Costs has provided a strong basis for development, and there have been numerous expressions of judicial concern with regard to the high level of costs. The chapter begins by considering the sources of legal expense, the parties that bear the expense, and the problems that arise with regard to the expense of litigations. It then discusses funding options for litigation, including self-funding, insurance, conditional fee agreements, damage-based agreements, third party funding, and public funding. It also presents options for funding alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

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