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Cassese's International Law

Cassese's International Law (3rd edn)

Paola Gaeta, Jorge E. Viñuales, and Salvatore Zappalá
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date: 09 February 2025

p. 1568. Individuals and Other Legal Subjectslocked

p. 1568. Individuals and Other Legal Subjectslocked

  • Paola Gaeta, Paola GaetaProfessor of International Law, The Graduate Institute, Geneva
  • Jorge E. ViñualesJorge E. ViñualesHarold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy, University of Cambridge
  • , and Salvatore ZappalàSalvatore ZappalàProfessor of International Law, University of Catania


This chapter discusses the legal personality under international law of a broad range of legal subjects other than States and international organizations, particularly individuals, peoples, and national liberation movements, as well as insurgents and a few other sui generis entities (including transnational corporations and non-governmental organizations). While insurgents, like States and some of the sui generis entities (the Holy See, the Sovereign Order of Malta, or the International Committee of the Red Cross), constitute traditional subjects of international law, the other categories emerged in the aftermath of the Second World War. The chapter also tackles the issue of which international rules apply to all these diverse entities and to what extent they participate in international dealings.

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