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The English Legal System

The English Legal System (9th edn)

Alisdair Gillespie and Siobhan Weare
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date: 16 September 2024

p. 65318. Remedies and Appealslocked

p. 65318. Remedies and Appealslocked

  • Alisdair GillespieAlisdair GillespieProfessor of Criminal Law and Justice and University Academic Dean at Lancaster University
  • , and Siobhan WeareSiobhan WeareSenior Lecturer in Law at Lancaster University


This chapter discusses the remedies that can be sought from the civil courts and how an appeal is made against a decision. It covers interim and final remedies; route of appeals; leave; the hearing; appeals to the Supreme Court; and examples of appeals. There are many different types of remedies that a court can award to a successful litigant. The most common form of remedy is that which is known as ‘damages’. Appeals in the civil courts follow a slightly more complicated structure than in criminal cases. In order to appeal in the civil cases, it is usually necessary to seek permission before proceeding with a civil appeal. Save where it is a final decision in a multi-track case, the usual rule is that the appeal will be heard by the next most senior judge.

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