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A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure

A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure (26th edn)

Stuart Sime
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date: 16 January 2025

p. 54547. Qualified One-Way Costs Shiftinglocked

p. 54547. Qualified One-Way Costs Shiftinglocked

  • Stuart SimeStuart SimeHead of Department, Academic Programmes, The City Law School, City, University of London


Qualified one-way costs shifting (QOCS) provides costs protection to claimants in personal injuries claims. If the claimant wins, the defendant should be ordered to pay the claimant’s costs in the usual way. However, if the claimant loses, under QOCS, while the claimant remains liable to pay its own lawyers’ costs, and may be ordered to pay the successful defendant’s costs, the claimant will be protected against actually having to pay those costs to the defendant. This chapter discusses cases where QOCS applies; the effects of QOCS; and loss of QOCS protection.

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