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A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure

A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure (26th edn)

Stuart Sime
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date: 09 February 2025

p. 47442. Interim Injunctionslocked

p. 47442. Interim Injunctionslocked

  • Stuart SimeStuart SimeHead of Department, Academic Programmes, The City Law School, City, University of London


This chapter discusses the rules on interim injunctions. Interim injunctions are temporary orders made with the purpose of regulating the position between the parties to an action pending trial. Such an order is particularly useful where there is evidence that the respondent’s alleged wrongdoing will cause irreparable damage to the applicant’s interests in the period between issue of process and trial. The chapter covers judges able to grant injunctions; pre-action applications for interim injunctions; applications during proceedings; principles for the granting of interim injunctions; defences and bars to relief that may be raised on an application for an interim injunction; interim injunction orders; and effect of not applying for interim relief.

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