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A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure

A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure (26th edn)

Stuart Sime
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date: 15 February 2025

p. 34631. Disclosurelocked

p. 34631. Disclosurelocked

  • Stuart SimeStuart SimeHead of Department, Academic Programmes, The City Law School, City, University of London


The Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR) require the parties to give advance notice to their opponents of all the material documentation in their control. This is done in two stages. At the first stage the parties send each other lists of documents, a process called ‘disclosure’. The second stage is ‘inspection’, which is the process by which the other side can request copies of documents appearing in the list of documents, typically with photocopies being provided by the disclosing party. This chapter discusses these processes. It covers lawyers’ and clients’ responsibilities; the stage when disclosure takes place; disclosure orders; standard disclosure; menu option disclosure; duty to search; list of documents; privilege; inspection; orders in support of disclosure; documents referred to in statements of case, etc.; admission of authenticity; and collateral use.

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