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Criminology (7th edn)

Stephen Jones
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date: 10 September 2024

p. 523. The media and ‘law and order’locked

p. 523. The media and ‘law and order’locked

  • Stephen JonesStephen JonesHonorary Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Bristol


This chapter presents that fact that, in Britain, most of the information that people receive about crime is second-hand. As relatively few people are victims of serious crime, the offending images that are formed in the minds of the majority largely come from reports and discussions in the mass media. Indeed, with growing urbanisation, it is increasingly necessary to rely on the media to find out what has been happening in one’s own neighbourhood. The chapter considers whether the mass media’s reporting of crime has a significant impact on people’s daily lives and their attitudes to ‘law and order’ issues. There is also a body of research evidence suggesting that media portrayals of violent crime may inspire some people to engage in ‘copycat’ incidents.

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