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EU Law Directions

EU Law Directions (7th edn)

Nigel Foster
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date: 16 September 2024

p. 46415. The relationship of the UK with the European Union and Brexitlocked

p. 46415. The relationship of the UK with the European Union and Brexitlocked

  • Nigel FosterNigel FosterFRSA


This chapter charts the long association of the UK with the EU. It considers all aspects of this relationship including pre membership, entry to the EC (EU), the first UK EU referendum in 1975 and the relationship over five decades. It considers how EU law was granted supremacy over UK law and how the courts viewed this. It considers the period up to and, including the 2016 UK EU referendum on exiting or remaining in the EU and the immediate consequences of that. Finally, and now most importantly, it looks at the negotiations and means by which the UK legally exited the EU on 31 January and the movement into the next stage of that relationship: the future trade relationship with the EU.

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