p. 3329. Entry for work, business, and study: the points-based system
- Gina Clayton,
- Georgina Firth, Georgina FirthSenior Lecturer, University of Lancaster
- Caroline SawyerCaroline SawyerBarrister and Solicitor, Hutt City Law
- , and Rowena MoffattRowena MoffattBarrister, Doughty Street Chambers
This chapter deals with the law relating to entry for work, self-employment, and study. These are the areas covered by the points-based system (PBS), which was implemented from 2008. It is organised around the five tiers of the PBS but makes reference to some of the old rules as well as provides some historical perspective. It also considers those few schemes remaining outside the PBS and, briefly, illegal working. A new PBS has been announced, to come into operation at the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020. The government’s intention is to end the ‘distortion’ of free movement and to treat EU and non-EU migrants ‘equally’, reducing overall migration and encouraging only skilled migrants.