p. 1074. Freedom of movement for EU nationals
- Gina Clayton,
- Georgina Firth, Georgina FirthSenior Lecturer, University of Lancaster
- Caroline SawyerCaroline SawyerBarrister and Solicitor, Hutt City Law
- , and Rowena MoffattRowena MoffattBarrister, Doughty Street Chambers
This chapter discusses the law which governs the free movement of people within the EU. As such, it is principally about the movement of EU nationals. The movement of non-EU nationals, known in European law as third-country nationals, may come within the ambit of EU law due to their connection with EU nationals, for instance as a spouse, family member, or employee. The chapter concentrates on the rights of EU nationals and their families to move within the EU, and covers the powers to deport or remove EU nationals. It also considers the possible impacts of Brexit on free movement rights.