p. 723. Nationality, citizenship, and right of abode
- Gina Clayton,
- Georgina Firth, Georgina FirthSenior Lecturer, University of Lancaster
- Caroline SawyerCaroline SawyerBarrister and Solicitor, Hutt City Law
- , and Rowena MoffattRowena MoffattBarrister, Doughty Street Chambers
This chapter considers the bases of nationality and citizenship, and traces the development of British nationality law, focusing on changes from 1948 to the present day. It looks at the effects of these changes on particular groups of people, characterised to a significant extent by progressive exclusion. It considers the fundamental incident of citizenship and the right to live in one’s own country, both as to the interaction of nationality and immigration law and as to the overall effect of full inclusion as a citizen. The bases for obtaining British nationality by registration and naturalisation are discussed, as are the powers of deprivation of citizenship. The possibility of asserting rights as a stateless person is also noted.