p. 38711. The asylum process
- Gina Clayton,
- Georgina Firth, Georgina FirthSenior Lecturer, University of Lancaster
- Caroline SawyerCaroline SawyerBarrister and Solicitor, Hutt City Law
- , and Rowena MoffattRowena MoffattBarrister, Doughty Street Chambers
This chapter describes the asylum process from application through to the cessation of refugee status. The first two sections deal with entering the UK to claim asylum, and with the asylum application and decision-making, while the third explores the different routes through which an asylum claim can be processed, including ‘safe’ country of origin provisions and non-suspensive appeals, and returns to third countries pursuant to the Dublin Regulation. The fourth section concerns penalties connected with seeking asylum. The final sections cover remedies for the victims of trafficking, and other procedures after appeal rights are exhausted, or asylum has been granted.