p. 3049. Passing of the property in the goods as between seller and buyer
- D Fox, D FoxProfessor of Common Law, University of Edinburgh
- RJC Munday, RJC MundayReader Emeritus in Law, University of Cambridge
- B Soyer, B SoyerProfessor of Commercial and Maritime Law, Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea University
- AM TettenbornAM TettenbornChair in Law, Swansea University
- , and PG TurnerPG TurnerVisiting Senior Fellow of the Melbourne Law School
This chapter examines the concept of the passing of the property in goods as between seller and buyer which has significance for many purposes in law. It discusses why the matter is important, before going on to cover the rules for determining when the property passes as it is plainly a matter of the greatest importance to identify the point at which it occurs. The chapter goes on to discuss the statutory provisions relating to perishing of specific goods, how the passing of property is related to acceptance or rejection of goods, the risk involved in the passing of property, and the frustration of sale of goods contracts.