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Business Law ConcentrateLaw Revision and Study Guide

Business Law Concentrate: Law Revision and Study Guide (4th edn)

James Marson and Katy Ferris
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date: 09 October 2024

p. 152. Contract I: essential features of a contractlocked

p. 152. Contract I: essential features of a contractlocked

  • James MarsonJames MarsonPrincipal Lecturer in Law, Sheffield Hallam University
  • , and Katy FerrisKaty FerrisAssistant Professor in Business Law, University of Nottingham


Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. This chapter discusses the essential features of a contract. Offer and acceptance are the first stages in establishing an agreement that may form a legally binding contract. An offer may be accepted at any point until it is terminated. Acceptance can only be made by the offeree or their agent. Consideration is the bargain element of a contract and may be referred to as the ‘price of a promise’. The parties must intend for an agreement to establish legal relations to create an enforceable contract. Presumptions exist in relation to social/domestic agreements and business/commercial agreements.

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