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Jones & Sufrin's EU Competition LawText, Cases, and Materials

Jones & Sufrin's EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (7th edn)

Alison Jones, Brenda Sufrin, and Niamh Dunne
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date: 10 September 2024

p. 752. The Competition Law and Institutions of the European Unionlocked

p. 752. The Competition Law and Institutions of the European Unionlocked

  • Alison Jones, Alison JonesProfessor of Law, King’s College, London
  • Brenda SufrinBrenda SufrinEmeritus Professor of Law, University of Bristol
  •  and Niamh DunneNiamh DunneAssociate Professor of Law, London School of Economics


This chapter sketches the history and functions of the EU and its institutions in order to set the EU competition rules in context. It then describes the competition provisions themselves and outlines the way in which the rules are applied and enforced, including the public enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 under Regulation 1/2003, the control of mergers with a European dimension under Regulation 139/2004, public enforcement by the national competition authorities of the Member States, and the role of private enforcement. It discusses the position and powers of the European Commission, particularly the role of the Competition Directorate General (DG Comp); the powers of the EU Courts; the significance of fundamental rights and the general principles of EU law in competition cases; the application of competition rules to particular sectors of the economy; and the application of the EU rules to the EEA.

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