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Employment LawAn Introduction

Employment Law: An Introduction (5th edn)

Stephen Taylor and Astra Emir
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date: 13 February 2025

p. 54731. Preparing and presenting a caselocked

p. 54731. Preparing and presenting a caselocked

  • Stephen TaylorStephen TaylorCIPD Chief Examiner and Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management, University of Exeter Business School
  • , and Astra EmirAstra EmirBarrister-at-Law


This chapter provides practical guidance to aid in the preparation and presentation of a case before an employment tribunal. Although it is primarily written from the point of view of the advocate at such a hearing, the material is also relevant to advisors, witnesses and the parties to a case. The text guides the parties to a tribunal case through the whole tribunal procedure from the very beginning. It covers fact management, understanding the law, starting the process—filling in claim and response forms, preparing a schedule of loss, negotiating a settlement, drafting witness statements, disclosure, preparing bundles and advocacy.

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