p. 51229. Industrial action
- Stephen TaylorStephen TaylorCIPD Chief Examiner and Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management, University of Exeter Business School
- , and Astra EmirAstra EmirBarrister-at-Law
The law on the organisation of industrial action is mainly contained in the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. This chapter sketches out the broad principles and their practical implications. It looks separately at three distinct topics: firstly, the law relating to trade unions and trade union officials organising industrial action; secondly, the law relating to individual workers taking industrial action; and, thirdly, the law relating to picketing (ie, demonstrating support for a strike outside an employer’s premises). This is an area of employment law which is both complex (some would say unnecessarily so) as well as controversial in a number of respects.