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Complete Contract LawText, Cases, and Materials

Complete Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (1st edn)

André Naidoo
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date: 16 September 2024

p. 34011. Remedies Part III: Non-compensatory Remedieslocked

p. 34011. Remedies Part III: Non-compensatory Remedieslocked

  • André Naidoo


This chapter identifies some alternative, exceptional remedies that could be available to an innocent party following a breach of contract. Generally, they can only be used when an award of compensatory damages would for some reason not be adequate or is unavailable. The chapter starts with specific performance and injunctions. Both remedies were developed in equity rather than the common law. This means that their application is largely discretionary and so the chapter looks at the factors that could be relevant to the exercise of that discretion. It then turns briefly to the remedy of restitution for unjust enrichment. While this is a different area of law, it can provide a remedy where there was thought to have been a contract but it turns out there was not one. In certain circumstances, it could also provide a remedy following a breach. A basic grasp of this area will also help to understand the very exceptional ‘restitution for a wrong’ remedy. Finally, the chapter considers the remedy of negotiating damages as well as agreed damages clauses.

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