p. 789Additional chapters on the Online Resource Centre
- Stuart Bell, Stuart BellProfessor of Law and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of York
- Donald McGillivray, Donald McGillivrayProfessor of Environmental Law, University of Sussex
- Ole W. Pedersen, Ole W. PedersenReader in Environmental Law, Newcastle University
- Emma LeesEmma LeesUniversity Lecturer in Environmental and Property Law, University of Cambridge
- , and Elen StokesElen StokesProfessorial Research Fellow in Law, University of Birmingham
Three chapters of the book are not contained in the print version but can be found on the Online Resource Centre which accompanies the book, at www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/bell9e/. The following short summaries indicate the scope of these chapters.
This chapter looks at the legal protection and management of various features of the UK countryside—that is, its landscape, trees, forests, and hedgerows. This involves applying some controls considered earlier in the book, such as town and country planning law, but it also includes legal designations of areas of landscape value and the use of a range of tools including economic instruments, especially grants and subsidies to landowners....