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Company Law

Company Law (2nd edn)

Lee Roach
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date: 13 September 2024

p. 1797. Classifications of directorlocked

p. 1797. Classifications of directorlocked

  • Lee RoachLee RoachSenior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth


This chapter assesses what a director is and the different types of director that exist. Section 250 of the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) provides that a director ‘includes any person occupying the position of director, by whatever name called’. A person validly appointed as a director is known as a de jure director, whereas a person who has not been validly appointed, but who acts as a director, is known as a de facto director. A shadow director is ‘a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a company are accustomed to act’. Other types of director include executive director, non-executive director, and alternate director. Meanwhile, certain persons such as major shareholders or creditors may have power to nominate a person to the board, and this nominated person is known as a nominee director. Many companies appoint some of their directors to specific board roles.

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