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A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure

A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure (25th edn)

Stuart Sime
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date: 13 February 2025

p. 21820. Additional Claims under Part 20locked

p. 21820. Additional Claims under Part 20locked

  • Stuart SimeStuart SimeAssociate Dean and Head of Department, The City Law School, City, University of London


This chapter discusses the rules for additional claims under Part 20 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR). An additional claim typically will seek to pass any liability established against the defendant to a third party. This is achieved by seeking indemnities, contributions, or related remedies against the third party. A third party may in turn seek to pass on its liability to a fourth party, and so on. Permission to issue an additional claim is not required if the additional claim is issued before or at the same time as the defendant files its defence. An additional claim operates as a separate claim within the original claim.

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