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Complete Criminal LawText, Cases, and Materials

Complete Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (8th edn)

Janet Loveless, Mischa Allen, and Caroline Derry
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date: 05 October 2024

p. 50310. Property offences 1: theft, robbery, burglary, and handlinglocked

p. 50310. Property offences 1: theft, robbery, burglary, and handlinglocked

  • Janet Loveless,
  • Mischa Allen
  • , and Caroline Derry


This chapter examines property offences in England and Wales, focusing on theft, burglary, robbery, and handling. The chapter outlines the general principles of these offences and discusses their actus reus and mens rea elements. It looks at the key provisions of the Theft Act 1968 including the s1 definition of theft in the Act and analyses the bases of court decisions in several examples of relevant cases. It discusses property and appropriation. It also discusses recent changes to the definition of dishonesty and how juries are now asked to assess dishonesty after the civil case of Ivey v Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd (Crockfords).

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