Without assuming prior legal knowledge, books in the Directions series introduce and guide readers through key points of law and legal debate. Questions, diagrams, and exercises help readers to engage fully with each subject and check their understanding as they progress. This book covers all the core areas of tort law, combining an engaging approach with plenty of learning features. It provides a detailed introduction to the key principles of tort law, and illustrates the points of law through discussions of important court cases. Key cases are discussed to illustrate the main principles of tort law; they help to bring the subject to life, allowing students to see how the law operates in practice. This new edition of the text includes increased focus on the influence of human rights on tort law. It is fully updated with recent case law highlighting how quickly tort law is developing particularly.
tort law, human rights, negligence, defamation, liability, privacy, limitation, anonymity, case law, court casesSubjects:
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- Front Matter
- 1. Tort: law and system
- 2. Negligence: duty of care
- 3. Breach of duty
- 4. Negligence: causation
- 5. Negligence: duty of care problem areas
- 6. Defences to negligence
- 7. Negligence: occupiers’ liability
- 8. Employers’ liability and non-delegable duties
- 9. Vicarious liability
- 10. Product liability
- 11. Trespass to the person and to land
- 12. Nuisance
- 13. Rylands v Fletcher
- 14. Elements of defamation
- 15. Defences to defamation
- 16. Privacy and misuse of private information
- 17. Remedies and limitation
- End Matter